Metal Sculpture by Adam Homan
Adam has been a full time sculptor for 17+ years and is one of the premier steel sculptors in the country. His work is included in the collections of Pixar Animation, Industrial Light and Magic, various celebrities, and many private and corporate collectors. In a society where we are bombarded each day by negative images through our media and news, Adam feels that it's important to counteract this by putting positive ideas and images into the world. It is what he attempts to do with his sculpture through humor, weirdness, whimsy, and innovation. "My goal each day in the studio is to create from the heart and to find that pure place of child-like wonder, peace and hope that we all still have in us," explains Adam. "It is pretty simple for me, I just want my art to make people feel good."
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Original Wall Art by Kara Young
Kara is a professional fiber/mixed media artist, internationally recognized throughout the United States, in Europe and in Japan. Her work is seen as ancient but also contemporary fitting in many different environmental settings.
Her wall pieces are made with thickly cast 85% abaca handmade paper. Integrated into the compositions are other materials and found objects. Crackled joint compound is used to "age" the surface, which is further enhanced with copper or gold leaf, old cedar shingles, sheet copper, acrylic paint and now encaustic painting with beeswax and pigment. The pieces are lightweight, durable and are mostly hung without a frame.
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Vintage Artistic Iron Andirons
“What’s old can be new again”
This andiron design has already survived the test of time. It was added to our collection because of its unique style and grace, which has all but disappeared in modern andirons. The utilization of andirons as a design focal point is a sure way to personalize your fireplace. It can be the inspirational centerpiece of your hearth and be used in harmony with other coordinated components for a true, one of a kind look. Consider it as the perfect complement to a set of gas logs.
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Solid Brass Tool Set
“American craftsmanship is alive and well”
This toolset will come to be an heirloom, not because of its price but because of its timeless style, exquisite craftsmanship and the artful combination of design, form and function. It’s unique, artistic presentation sets it apart from all the pretenders. It is handcrafted of the finest and hardiest solid brass and can stand proudly as the centerpiece of your hearth or in harmony with other similarly created components. It can be produced in short order and is available in several finishes.
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